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Have you ever wondered why some online business owners seem to be more successful than others? Or, why one business owner bounces back from failure, while others gives up?

Mindset, attitude and action plays a huge part in their success. Here are 7 things they do that sets them apart, which you can do, too, to become successful. Naturally, these are not the only things successful business owners do, but they are fundamental to achieving their goals

1. Believe in Yourself

Successful online business owners believe in themselves and their business. 

When the going gets tough and you make mistakes, it’s your belief that will pull you through. You’ve got to believe that you’re capable of building a profitable business by giving value to your clients/customers, and that you can overcome any adversity that life throws your way.

2. Have a Framework

Successful online business owners have a plan, a framework to follow.

Some business owners don’t look beyond what niche they’re going to enter and what their domain name should be, much less know who their audience is, what they want and need, if they’ll create their own products, and if so, what problems will those products fix. Or, what benefits they’ll give the client/customer.  Will they blog, do Podcast, or create videos to demonstrate their expertise.

These are just some of the elements required to run a successful online business. As such, you need a plan; a framework you can follow to get to your desired goal(s) and for when you stall… you most certainly will stall at times.

Your framework can be flexible and iterated as needed, but the importance of having it is unquestionable. Without vision and goals – both of which will be in your framework – you’ll wake up without a clue as to what you should be doing to move your business forward… a recipe for failure.

3. Leave Your Comfort Zone

Successful online business owners do things that takes them out of their comfort zone . They do things that make them uncomfortable, and sometimes even scary.

You might be afraid to take the first step and that’s perfectly normal. The key is to embrace the fear and do what you need to do anyway, because if you stay within your comfort zone, you’ll never grow, nor, will your business. But, if you embrace the new and unknown, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

4. Think Big, Stay Grounded

Successful online business owners think about the big picture – the end goal – whether it’s to make $100,000 a year, or build a million-dollar business and sell it. They create a content marketing plan of what campaigns they will use to reach their customers over the coming year, along with a marketing strategy. And they also stay grounded about the day-to-day tasks that’s important to their business success.

Keep the end goal at the forefront of your mind, but connect with your clients/customers. Answer their questions in a timely manner. Take daily steps to build your subscriber list and work on promotions, etc.

It’s easy to get bogged down with the little stuff, that you can lose sight of the big picture. However, if all you ever focus on is the big picture, you’ll never get anything done.

5. Daily Habits Equals Success

Successful online business owners do at least 3 things every day to bring in more business and generate revenue.

So, before you end your day, do at least 3 things. For example, maybe it’s writing an article, send an email broadcast to your list, post on social media to get new subscribers, contact 3 possible affiliates to promote your products,etc.

Do 3 things every day and you’re guaranteed to move your business forward.

6. Audience First, Product Second

Successful online business owners know not to create a product before they have customers, because this strategy seldom works. Instead, they find an audience, provide them with great content that they love, build trust and find out what they want and need. Then, they create a product and sell to them.

Follow these steps. Find an audience, create a product, sell.

7. Honesty and Generosity

Successful online business owners are honest and generous. This last one is two-fold, intricately intertwined.

Depending on your niche, you’ve probably suffered from the same mistakes they’ve made or are making. Share your experience. Talk about your own trials and tribulations and struggles. Show your human side. 

If you want to build relationships with other business owners, give them something before asking for a favor. You cannot go wrong by being generous. And you also cannot go wrong by being honest.

You’re not perfect? Your audience already know that, but by sharing your experiences, you’ll be engaging.

© Cherry-Ann Carew

Cherry-Ann Carew is an Online Business Coach, who supports emerging business owners simplify their start-up journey and helps existing businesses scale, so that they can earn uncapped income and live life on their terms.


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  • Cherry-Ann

    Thank you, great advice and principles to live by, Cherry-Ann!! xx

  • Cherry-Ann

    Pleasure, Malene. Glad you found it informative:)

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