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Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods that is used by thousands of small, medium and even large businesses. However, how you build a relationship with customers, position yourself and your value proposition is fundamental to your business success.

In addition, providing consistent value and honest interaction with your community is what will make it ‘easy’ for you to extend offers that converts well.

You’ve heard the phrase ‘the money is in the list.’ Such an over-used cliché, but it essentially means that your subscribers, aka, your list, are your most valuable business asset.

How so?

They are the people in your chosen niche with the potential to buy your product or service (they opted into your list), or who’ve already spent money with you and are likely to do so again and again – repeat customers. That’s what makes them one of your most valuable business assets.

How To Build Relationships To Retain Customers 

Once your product or service proved valuable, you’ve built a level of trust, and, over the course of consuming it, they got to know you better. Hence, they’ll likely buy other things you recommend, be it your own product or something you promote as an affiliate.

That’s why it’s important that you continuously interact with them via email marketing and offer information of value, and, not only paid products.

Email Marketing

In return, your customers will be loyal, sing you praises and even spread the word about you and your offers. So, be professional and treat them with respect and you’ll have a steady supply of word-of-mouth advertising and testimonials to create valuable social proof that will showcase your expertise and brand, as well as increase your visibility.

To keep up the momentum and get more customers, create or recommend an offer that relates to your opt-in offer and promote it on your ‘thank you page.’ This is referred to as a ‘tripwire,’ and is prime real estate, where you can add an upsell or a freebie.

The jury is out on this tactic as to whether it’s worth it or not. I employ this strategy and do get some sales, so I recommend you put it to the test. It’s the only way you’ll know if it’s worth your while or not.

Continue to promote the offer in your follow-up emails and you should convert some subscribers into customers. I say some, because not every subsubscriber will buy. It may not be the right time for some, while others download because it’s free.

Hot Chilli Tip:

It’s not good practice to sell in every email, so blend your follow-up emails with tips, information that will support them and your offer.

As a business owner, your number one goal should always be to list build and interact with your customers – your most valuable business asset.

Click the link to read an indepth post on, How To Set Up Highly Targeted Opt-in Offers And Grow Your List Quickly.

And, if you need help with that or a specific issue that’s getting under your skin and hindering your business progress, my VIP Laser Coaching is the solution.

Image of text - VIP Laser Coaching

© Cherry-Ann Carew

Cherry-Ann Carew is an Online Business Coach, who supports emerging business owners simplify their start-up journey and helps existing businesses scale, so that they can earn uncapped income and live life on their terms.


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  • Jeanine Byers

    That’s good advice to try a tripwire. I have been considering it, and have heard just what you said, that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

    • Cherry-Ann Carew

      Glad you found it informative, Jeanine. As I mentioned in the post, I get sales from using tripwires, and I have bought from them, too. LIke most things in business, you have to test. I say go for it 🙂

  • vidya

    More useful information here!! These are the things I have seriously been considering for my blog and your posts lead me to believe that it is time.. to act …

    • Cherry-Ann Carew

      Go for it and if you have any questions, reach out:)

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