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From a young age, I had a curious trait and questioned things that didn’t make sense to me. As I matured into a teenager, I liked to solve problems and see results, whether tangible, or intangible. But, my approach was long-winded and disorganized.

Nevertheless, I went through the education system, graduated and worked in corporate England and America and started businesses on and off line. Of course, it wasn’t always a smooth path and I’ve experienced my share of failures, that slowed my progression and derailed me in certain areas, which royally frustrated me.

Nonetheless, over the years, I learnt that many of my failures was a direct result of not planning and checking my numbers properly. I didn’t put safeguards in place to avoid getting off track, just like when I was a teenager, it was haphazard and didn’t flow. I got in my own way.

Nevertheless, once I applied a strategic plan and monitored my numbers on a regular basis. It became easier to spot what was working and what wasn’t, thereby enabling me to make informed decisions in my business.

So, if I were to give advice to my teenage self, it would be to do just that; create a framework/plan, execute it and track your numbers, because by doing these three simple things, it alleviated mental stress and saved me enormous time and money.

Create A Framework/plan, Execute It And Track Your Numbers.

That said, do you set aside time regularly to plan what you want to do in your business? If it’s not something you currently do, I strongly encourage you to take some time out and devise one, because when you have something to guide you, you can focus on what’s most important, instead of spending time trying to figure out what you should be working on, what pieces of the puzzle are missing from your product funnel, or what you need to do to break through to the next income level.

With a framework/plan, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done and what needs to come next. It allows you to create effective and efficient daily to-do tasks, so that you accomplish your goals.

Furthermore, setting a big goal for yourself helps you think outside the ordinary. you could decide to build your subscriber list over the next 90-days, for instance. Write it down. Keep it in front of you and get to work. Doing so will keep you motivated and further help you think of strategies and tactics that you probably wouldn’t have thought of before to move you forward.

Perhaps you come up with creative ways to get more traffic, run a fun promotion, or a quiz, a 7-day challenge, etc.. These action steps will help you to build your list within the time-frame you set, if not before.

In short, planning, setting goals and executing them can only help you grow faster and experience the success you set yourself.

My teenage self would be proud of me now. What advice would you give to your teenage self? I’d love to hear.

© Cherry-Ann Carew

Cherry-Ann Carew is an Online Business Strategist & Amazon multi-bestselling author. She supports emerging business owners simplify their start-up journey, by customizing a business framework that aligns with their vision and goals, so that they can earn uncapped income and live life on their terms.


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  • Martha

    Great advice you gave your teenage self! My 20 year old grandson has goals similar to what you told yourself, he’s thinking outside the box and setting high goals.

    • Cherry-Ann Carew

      Thanks Martha. Wise of your grandson to set up plan. It will serve as a useful guide 🙂

  • Vidya Tiru

    i am at day 28 of the challenge now.. and hopefully will catch up over the next couple of days. and next is putting all the things i see here on your blog and other similar ideas into action 🙂

    • Cherry-Ann Carew

      Great going, Vidya. So glad that you’re finding the blog contents useful.

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